Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Projects

My latest craft projects have been for gifts. This first picture is a frame for a friend's new baby, due in October. 

For Gavin's birthday I surprised him with a new craft project. I found a super cute cross stitch pattern through Etsy of the Walking Dead. We are both big fans so I figured it was something he could hang up in Houston and it would also be allowed on the walls that we share again :) 

It took a while, of course I picked one with a lot of people in it, but it was something fun to work on in the evenings post-wedding planning.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Craft Update

So apparently planning a wedding and having a fiance/husband live states away has taken up a lot of my time. I haven't done too many crafts in that time but hopefully I can catch up on what I have done.

Wedding Party Gifts

I made this mugs for my bridal party. Since each was from a different state they received a mug with their state's outline and a mug of Tennessee. 

Christmas Gifts: Embroidered Initial Necklaces

For Christmas this year I wanted to try my embroidery skills. I was inspired by ones I had seen on Etsy so I ordered some supplies and practiced my stitches! 

Picture Frame:

 Another picture frame for a new UT baby!